Pete Johnston
The truth revealed by the shape of mark and tone of colour, both intellectual and instinctive, to convey meaning, has been a continuing obsession.
Peter Johnston
Over the last 30 years Peter's work has explored the objective, the semi-representational and the totally abstract, employing brush, fingers and palette knife to create marks. Peter's current work is informed by all of these approaches and methods and hopes to find equilibrium between them.
Born in Liverpool, Peter Johnston took a foundation course in art at Liverpool School of Art before moving to London to take a degree in Art at Camberwell School of Art. After leaving College Peter formed a design company in the West End of London, firstly in Soho and eventually on Oxford Street which ran successfully for over 12 years, whilst continuing to paint and exhibit. In 2001 Peter moved to Lincolnshire to create his own studio, raise a family and adopt a dog. He has continued to sell work to public and private clients and recently by commission, and is presently working on a series of paintings and prints for exhibition.